The Digital Families Agency provides bespoke digital safety and wellbeing advice tailored to the unique needs of your family.

the challenge

Making decisions about your child’s use of technology can be daunting. First and foremost, parents want children to be safe online. Beyond safety, they worry use of smartphones, tablets and consoles may hamper children’s ability to thrive, and to enjoy a happy and carefree childhood. 

Whilst most schools deliver a digital literacy programme to children and parents, the resources are generalised and the onus falls on parents to work out what’s most relevant and how to apply the guidance to their own children and family set up. 

our solution

The Digital Families Agency is different. We work in partnership with you to design personalised digital safety and wellbeing strategies that meet the unique needs of your family.  We are pragmatic and realistic about children’s use of technology.  We provide clear information on risk, but we put these risks in context so they don’t lead to paralysis. We demystify the digital world and give you a toolbox of skills to manage and support your child’s use of technology.

Everything we do is bespoke. The advice we offer is grounded in research on child and adolescent development but, importantly, it reflects your child’s unique personality, capacity and digital interests.  

our process

Our process is simple. We listen to (and understand) your worries and concerns. We learn about your values and your approach to digital parenting. We build a clear picture of your child - what makes them tick and what help and support they need to thrive.  We then create a personalised digital safety and wellbeing plan and work with you and your child to put it in place.  

We don’t go anywhere. We encourage parents to get in touch when they experience unexpected bumps in the road.  We are available as children move to the next stage and phase of childhood - a time of further upheaval where delicate equilibriums can be rocked. We provide training for other trusted adults in your children’s lives and can facilitate group sessions for parents interested in exploring a unified approach to setting boundaries.