• There’s no wrong time to consult the Digital Families Agency.  Many find the years of transition from primary to secondary (typically years 4-7) a good time to reflect on their children’s use of technology and bringing us in before your child gets their first smartphone is a great idea if possible. If your child has had a phone for a while and you feel you haven’t managed to set boundaries that everyone’s happy with or your child’s relationship with technology is a source of worry or even conflict, get in touch.  

  • We know first hand that digital parenting is difficult. The Digital Families Agency offers a confidential and judgement-free, safe space for parents to share their worries.  Our job is to help you navigate the complexity of your child’s relationship with technology and to work in partnership with you to ensure they thrive - not just survive - online. 

    To give you a sense of our approach, we don’t demonise technology, but we believe that children’s use of devices should align with their age and stage of development and reflect your values as parents.  

    As children get older, we believe trust between parents and children is crucial and we will help you find ways to open up lines of communication if these have broken down. We tend to be sceptical about bans and also about safety tech which often creates a false sense of safety and can conflict with a child's right to privacy. 

    We wouldn’t go as far as to say we are tech evangelists, but we are realistic about its ubiquity and (cautiously) optimistic about its potential for creativity, learning and relaxation.  

  • Yes and no. But mostly no.  There are as many visions of what an optimum digital childhood looks like as there are parents.  When it comes to tech, there are some red lines and fundamental safety and privacy strategies that we believe are relevant to all children (and we can explain these to you), but we take a bespoke approach. 

    First, we help you get greater clarity on your digital parenting style and how this relates to the kind of childhood you hope to create for your children.  This is such an important question but one that we parents often don’t have time to reflect on. Once we’ve helped you define what good means to you, we will create a plan to better align your children’s use of tech with your values and understanding of childhood.

  • Typically it takes between six to eight weeks but this timeline is somewhat dependent on your availability. Sometimes it may not be possible for us to start working with you straight away in which case we operate a waiting list.

  • We do not diagnose or treat mental health problems, offer psychotherapy or counselling or give legal advice. We have a network of specialists we can put you in touch with if needed.

  • Our sister agency, the Digital Childhood Agency, offers consultancy services to schools.  You can find more details here.

  • Our sister agency, the Digital Childhood Agency offers thought leadership talks to parents via schools and companies.  You can find more details on here.

  • Our charges vary depending on a range of factors including the scope of work agreed and the number of children we will be working with. As a guide, our fees typically start at £3000.

  • In all things, we are guided by our commitment to always acting in the best interests of children. See our Safeguarding Policy for further details.

  • We are committed to upholding the your family's privacy.  Our advisory service is confidential and ensuring your family’s personal data is held privately and securely is critical to this. See our Privacy Policy for further details.